"'We don't do Lincoln Day Dinners in South Carolina. It's nothing personal, but it takes awhile to get over things.'" Senator Lindsey Graham
El Cid knows Lindsey....the above is not an opinion that expresses racism (as so many would imply). This is pure hyperbole over a statement that is ultimately true.
What an outrage for anyone to associate these words with racism!!!
Re-read his words
"We don't do Lincoln Day Dinners in South Carolina. It's nothing personal, but it takes awhile to get over things."
Nothing racist there and no indication that Graham wishes slavery had remained or any other such nonsense.
Sure there are so folks that have a hard time celebrating the one man that did the most to destroy the American Republic as originally envisioned by the founders. Sure we have a hard time accepting a man as a hero that practiced total war on a civilian population, suspended habeas corpus and ignored the Constitution in order to save it.
It is foolish to call Grahams remarks racist. A lot of not so unenlightened folks view Lincoln as a pariah and usurper of powers he never had. Some folks view him and a war criminal with ample justification.
Put the race card up.
(found this thanks to the Nashville Truth)
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